Welcome to Klinik

Introducing the newest member of the team at Brewood Medical Practice…Klinik!

Klinik is a state-of-the-art online triage system that uses information inputted by patients to rapidly and safely direct them to the appropriate point of care.

The system is designed to reduce the volume of incoming calls allowing the lines to be used more effectively.

Following its successful trial at the surgery, the Klinik system was shown to automatically recognise over 1000 symptoms and conditions including mental health and complex paediatric conditions. The information is then fed to the clinical team at the surgery for prioritisation, advice, appointments and treatment.

This service is only available to patients registered with Brewood Medical Practice and is actively monitored between the hours of 8.00am and 5.00pm (and between 8:00am and 12:00pm on training days). You do not need any login details to access the system.

To access the triage system please follow the link.